Swap nodes in a Doubly Linked List
When I first learned about Doubly Linked Lists what I found really tricky about them was how to sort them and more specifically how to swap two nodes. So I decided to make a post about it.
Let’s assume that our list consists of only 4 nodes. Those are enough for us to cover every possible scenario during swapping.
Our swap function is going to take two parameters, our left and right nodes.
void swap(struct list* left, struct list* right)
Before we start messing with left and right’s pointers we have to make sure that the Nodes pointing to them are updated.
First we make sure that there is a Node that has left as next if ( left->previous )
then we make that Node to have right as next left->previous->next = right;
. If however, there are no nodes before left that means that it is the head. In that case, we now have to set our head equal to right head = right;
since left is going to no longer be the head after the swap.
if ( left->previous ){
left->previous->next = right;
else {
head = right;
We follow a similar procedure for the Node after right.
if ( right->next ){
right->next->previous = left;
Now it’s just left and right. We now simply need to swap left and right’s pointers.
left->next = right->next;
right->previous = left->previous;
right->next = left;
left->previous = right;
Notice how I assigned left to be right’s next Node and right to be left’s previous Node.